
Membership in the BeNeLuxSHS

The membership fee of the BeNeLuxSHS is only € 15 per year.

Moreover, from 2009 on members of the BeNeLuxSHS will receive a € 10 discount on their membership dues for the ISHS, thus reducing the extra cost of BeNeLuxSHS membership to only € 5 per year.

With your contribution, we will be able to continue organising our annual meetings. Therefore, if you are not a member of the Society yet, we kindly invite you to join the BeNeLuxSHS now.

For all questions regarding BeneluxSHS membership contact Hector Willocx (Treasurer) at

Your membership should be paid in the following bank account with KBC Bank:

IBAN: BE06 7364 0230 3322

in either case mention the following information:
member BeNeLuxSHS” + the membership year + your name.

We hope we may have the pleasure of welcoming you as member of our Society